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1:1 Performance Review Meetings
Setting the Stage for 1:1 Meeting
- Understand that receiving feedback is stressful for people.
- Average monthly searches on Google for "How to give feedback" - 1,600
- Average monthly searches on Google for "How to receive feedback" - 210
- Minimize reluctance
- Recognize that these meetings can be stressful for all involved
- Encourage two-way conversations
- Outline how the meeting with go
- Joint commitment
- Highlight the purpose is to recognize success and plan improvement where necessary

During the 1:1 Meeting
- Discuss actual performance data and behaviors. Use examples.
- Compare performance with responsibilities and goals.
- Maintain a positive focus.
- Focus on solving problems, not on finding fault.
- Provide recognition.
- Discuss specific actions for both manager and employee to take.
- Express confidence.
After the 1:1 Meeting
- Check in with each other to see if there is any additional feedback or thoughts that you want to share (Remember! People need time to process.)
- Schedule a follow-up discussion to close the loop on any action items that came up during the review discussion.
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