Join February’s Stressless Challenge! Takes just 5 minutes of your day!

Participating in our February Stressless Challenge, which takes just five minutes per day, may naturally help you develop new habits to live well. Join colleagues across your campus and many edHEALTH schools in this month-long challenge. Participation is simple! Here’s how it works.

1. Log into Harvard Pilgrim’s Living Well PortalSM, powered by WebMD, and enroll.

  • Each school has a specific program code:

Emerson College
Program Code: C10028

  • You can log in via or download the app, Wellness at Your Side, WebMD® Health Services. You can find more information on how to enroll here: Living Well - Harvard Pilgrim and WebMD

2. Spend five minutes of your day with a focus on reducing stress and track your downtime in the platform.

Whether you take a walk, participate in a short mindfulness session, listen to music, relax with a friend, or even just focus on prioritizing your immediate responsibilities, it all counts! You’ll find more ideas in the challenge.

Track your downtime in the Living Well account for 21 of the 28 days.

3. How you may win your school’s challenge

All qualified participants from each school will be entered into a raffle to win an e-gift card: a $50 card during the challenge or $100 upon completion of the challenge.

Individual winners will be selected from each school three times throughout the 28-day challenge.

The school with the most participants in the challenge wins the grand prize of a wellness celebratory event on their campus this spring.

The edHEALTH team will announce the winners in early March 2025.


Prefer using an app? Sign up for Living Well on the Go! Follow these simple steps before logging into your wellness account.

1)Download WebMD’s Wellness at your Side

2)Once the app is open, enter the mobile program code: lwportal

3)Log in using your member or guest account. (Instructions to your left)


Have questions about your Living Well account?


Call (877) 594-7183, Monday-Friday, 9AM-5PM, EST


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