Publishing a Work Phone Number to the Online Directory

The Emerson College Faculty & Staff Directory and department contact lists display phone, department, office, and email information on the Emerson website (viewable via the Internet).

How to Publish a Work Phone to the Directory

For step by step instructions, please visit IT's guide, Publish a Work Phone to the Faculty & Staff Online Directory.

Please note that by creating/modifying a Work Phone in Workday, faculty & staff acknowledge and agree to the following:

  • You may only enter an Emerson assigned phone number. You may not publish a personal phone number as a Work Phone. Faculty who wish to share their personal phones with students may share via Canvas (or 2EC for Speech@Emerson faculty) and all faculty & staff have the option to forward their College assigned phone number to a personal phone.

  • Before setting or removing a public Work Phone, ensure that your supervisor approves of what you do or do not publish. You are required to adhere to any internal department policies set by management.

  • It is strictly prohibited to knowingly post someone else's phone number as your own or submit any phone number with malicious intent.

  • Your assigned desk phone number will automatically be set as a private phone number.

  • If you do not set a public phone number in Workday, the public directory will display your department’s phone number.

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