The Emerson College Faculty & Staff Directory and department contact lists display phone, department, office, and email information on the Emerson website (viewable via the Internet).
How to Publish a Work Phone to the Directory
For step by step instructions, please visit IT's guide, Publish a Work Phone to the Faculty & Staff Online Directory.
Please note that by creating/modifying a Work Phone in Workday, faculty & staff acknowledge and agree to the following:
You may only enter an Emerson assigned phone number. You may not publish a personal phone number as a Work Phone. Faculty who wish to share their personal phones with students may share via Canvas (or 2EC for Speech@Emerson faculty) and all faculty & staff have the option to forward their College assigned phone number to a personal phone.
Before setting or removing a public Work Phone, ensure that your supervisor approves of what you do or do not publish. You are required to adhere to any internal department policies set by management.
It is strictly prohibited to knowingly post someone else's phone number as your own or submit any phone number with malicious intent.
Your assigned desk phone number will automatically be set as a private phone number.
If you do not set a public phone number in Workday, the public directory will display your department’s phone number.