FSA - General Information

Full-time faculty and staff members who are eligible for the Emerson College group health and dental plans may also establish IRS Section 125 Flexible Spending Accounts.  

Flexible Spending Accounts allow employees to set aside a specific dollar amount each calendar year, on a pre-tax basis, to pay for healthcare or dependent care expenses. The College contracts with WageWorks/Health Equity to assist with the administration and payment of claims.

These reimbursement accounts provide tax savings, but it is important to estimate your annual election amount carefully since IRS regulations stipulate that these are “use it or lose it” accounts.

To access the WageWorks/Health Equity site to submit reimbursement requests, you will first need to register on the WageWorks/Health Equity website.  Click on the "Login/Register" button and then "employee registration." Follow the online instructions to create your account (note: when prompted for ID code, enter the last four digits of your SSN, not your employee ID).   

If you have any questions regarding registering contact WageWorks/Health Equity at 877-924-3967.


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