Using Workday

Workday is our human resources and finance system. It provides staff, faculty, and student workers with a single, modern, secure, and intuitive online system to do the following:

  • Maintain your personal & contact information
  • Maintain your bank information for direct deposit and tax elections
  • Elect and update your benefits
  • Request and approve time off
  • Enter your time
  • Submit expense reports

Depending on your position within the organization, Workday will provide you with additional tools to assist you in your job responsibilities.

Watch our "Introduction to Workday Basics" video.

Resources for Using Workday

Our Workday training resources are split between the HR site and the Finance site, depending on who owns which processes.

  • Human Resources training resources can be found here or by using the search bar at the top of the page.  
  • The Finance site includes Procurement, Accounts Payable, Payroll, Budget & Financial Planning, Controller's Office, Treasury Services and Risk Management, and Travel Program.  Any information regarding payslips, W2s, expense reports, tax withholdings, supplier information, etc will be found at

Accessing Your Workday Account

Access to Workday is controlled through our single sign-on solution. We recommend bookmarking the Workday website for future use.

Your Workday Inbox

Tasks requiring action from you will appear in your Inbox. Your Inbox will then contain a task for you to fill out the information, approve, or send back if corrections are required.

Notifications for tasks in your inbox will be sent to your email, as well as your Workday Inbox.

To clear an item from your inbox, fill out or review the information provided and enter any comments required for context on the item.

Click Submit or Approve to push through the task, or Send Back (if applicable) to send a task back to the initiator to correct. Do NOT use Deny, if possible. Deny will completely delete the request or transaction. 

Mobile Application

Visit your application store on your mobile device. Download the free Workday application.

Instructions for Using the App 

  1. Open the Workday Application. You’ll see the Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions. Click Log In.
  2. Click Log In
  3. Enter Emerson as your Organization ID.
  4. Enter your Emerson credentials into the Duo sign-in screen.
  5. The Mobile Application works just like the web-based version, giving you the power of Workday on the go!

Please note that not all functions can be completed on the mobile app.


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