Testing Consent Form

Emerson College has hired the Broad Institute's laboratory, the Clinical Research Sequencing Platform (CRSP), to provide SARS-CoV-2 testing to its employees.  The testing is coordinated by Tufts Medical Center, Inc. and Tufts Medical Center Physicians Organization, Inc.  (collectively, Tufts MC).

Required Action

All staff and faculty participating in the testing program are required to complete a one-time consent form.  This form needs to be signed before your initial COVID test and should be returned to hr@emerson.edu.

If you are unable to sign this form electronically or print/scan this document, please type your name and today's date in the consent form, save it, attached it to an email from your Emerson email address.  In the body of the email write:  "Please accept this email as my written consent."

Staff and faculty only need to submit this form once. 

For more information about the College's COVID response and resources, please visit the One Emerson website.

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