Orientation Follow-Up

Recap and Review 

We covered a lot of information in a short amount of time and we don’t expect you to remember it all!   

Your First To-Do Items

What’s Next

Be on the lookout for this graphic in your emails!  


Due to the cyclical nature of higher education, we know that your entire first year is key to your success at Emerson.  We have a series of emails queued up and ready to send you.  Each email will focus on a subset of information for you to explore.  You’ll receive these more frequently in your first few weeks, then monthly.  When these arrive, please take the time to read through them, and when appropriate, discuss them with your manager or other team members.  

Reach Out

The entire HR team is here to help you. Sign in and you can send your questions to us by clicking “Submit a Ticket”.  By signing in, you are also able to view your requests and their status.  The added bonus of this method of contact is that you don’t have to remember who does what on our team. We'll assign your request to the person who can best assist you.

New Hire Onboarding Series


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