Expectations and Feedback



During Day One Orientation, we mentioned a few items that you should ask your manager.  Ex.  What are the expectations around the dress code and work hours? As you continue to get settled in your role, you want to make sure you know what is expected of you!   Expectation setting is often overlooked or just assumed to be happening.  Be proactive in asking for expectations.

Why are expectations important?

Knowing what is expected of you is foundational to your success at Emerson.  Your job description gives you a starting point but may not capture all of the day-to-day nuisances.   Expectations will help you be clear on your role, responsibilities, performance outcomes, and how your work impacts the College's mission.  Additionally, knowing what is expected can also help reduce stress and confusion.

Three Questions to Help You Set Expectations

  • What are my priorities today?
  • Do I have what I need to be successful?
  • What will success look like today?

At any point, if you aren’t sure of the answers, check in with your manager or another team member.

Feedback and Regular Check-Ins

In addition to asking for expectations, it is also important to ask for feedback.  Feedback will help you continue to grow in your role and as a professional.  

Why Asking for Feedback is Important

  • demonstrates your desire to meet or exceed the expectations you and your manager have set out
  • creates an open channel of communication between you and your manager regarding performance
  • provides timely discussion about what went well and where there is an opportunity for improvement
  • helps you be more open to receiving feedback and can make it less scary or stressful.  Read this article “How to Take Constructive Feedback Like a Boss.” 

Ways to Ask for Feedback

  • Ask your manager about regular check-in meetings.  For some, this could be a weekly occurrence.  There is no right or wrong cadence, but you want to make sure check-ins do occur.  Check-in meetings allow you to talk about recent successes - what went well and your work's positive impact.  Additionally, these check-ins are a great way.  
  • Talk with your manager about how you like to receive feedback.  If you’ve never thought about how you like to receive feedback, now’s a great time to reflect!  


We hope that you will be recognized many times over for the work you will do at Emerson.  Additionally, we hope that you will actively participate in recognizing others.  Emerson’s formal recognition program has two components:

  • “Thank You Note” - an electronic thank you note can be sent to any Emerson staff member for any reason you’d like to express gratitude.  A copy of the note will also be sent to the staff member’s manager.  Make it a practice to send thank you notes to those who help you in some way!
  • “Award of Excellence” - this award is nomination-based, and the recipient can receive up to $1000.  The program is only successful because of the people who take the time to submit nominations, almost like the mirror reflecting the light.  When you think someone has gone above and beyond or has had a positive impact, be sure to submit a nomination for them!

How do you like to be recognized?  Tip:  Another great conversation to have with your manager!

New Hire Onboarding Series

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