Campus Safety and Support Resources



There are many ways to get acquainted with Emerson’s campus, services, and procedures.  While we hope many of these items will never need to be used, we want you to know that there are care and support resources available to you.


The Emerson College Police Department operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week. ECPD officers are sworn in as both Massachusetts Special State Police Officers and Suffolk County Deputy Sheriffs. 

  • Emergency number: 617-824-8888
  • Non-Emergency number: 617-824-8555

An Emerson ID is required to enter all Emerson buildings.  Our “Tap and Go” system allows you to register non-Emerson people to enter buildings when needed.

Emergency Management

Emergency Management at Emerson College provides a comprehensive and integrated approach to reducing vulnerability to hazards by implementing a framework to prepare for, respond to, and recover from disruptive events.

Emergency Management works closely with other Emerson departments to coordinate the College’s preparedness, response, and recovery efforts with the goal of protecting the safety and well-being of the Emerson community and to help preserve and restore the College’s assets and operations.

Bookmark the Emergency Management website.  Information that can be found here includes:

Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

New Directions, Emerson’s Employee Assistance Program (EAP), is available to you 24/7

  • Live webinars for professional and personal development
  • Confidential and voluntary counseling sessions
  • Additional resources in helping you balance the stresses of work and family life

Care and Concern

Care Out Loud - a network of support services for students, as well as provides resources for faculty and staff who may be concerned about a student.

Identity-Based Harm - Emerson College is committed to an inclusive living, learning, and work environment for members of our Community. Bias incidents cause pain and hurt for the targeted individuals, harm our entire Community, and undermine the ability of members of our community to thrive. When one person engages in acts of bias, our entire Community suffers the effects.

Office of Equal Opportunity - The Office of Equal Opportunity (OEO) is responsible for providing the Emerson community with information, support resources and options for responding to incidents of discrimination, harassment, or sexual violence (sexual assault, relationship violence, stalking, sexual exploitation).   If you, or someone you know, has experienced discrimination, harassment, or sexual violence, OEO is available to support you and talk about your options.

Social Justice Collaborative - works with and supports individuals and communities through personal and systems advocacy, community-centered projects, and radical care. The SJC believes in individual and community self-determination and work in support of the agency of students, faculty, and staff, especially those from marginalized groups. We engage in an ongoing practice of praxis—reflection and action—and work to deepen our own liberatory practices and to create liberatory spaces for others. 

Healing and Care Advocacy - offers confidential support and advocacy-based counseling for people impacted by power-based interpersonal violence. In addition, they work with individuals and groups to increase knowledge and education about power and control, bystander intervention, transforming relationships and culture, and trauma-informed yoga, and more to create community change.

New Hire Onboarding Series


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