Learn and Grow


In Work With a Purpose, we mentioned one of the greatest things about working at Emerson is the variety of opportunities you will be presented.  This email will outline some of the ways you can find and take advantage of these opportunities.

Learn and Grow

Some people will use the terms personal development or professional development.  We opt not to because the two are often more connected than people realize.  For example, you can attend a conference and learn about a specific topic for your job (professional development), but during the experience, you may also be improving your networking skills (possibly both personal and professional development) and stepping out of your comfort zone (personal development).  So rather than naming one type of development, we are using Learn and Grow.

We all have room to grow.  (That doesn’t mean you aren’t great as you are!)  Learning and growing are ways for you to assess your own skills and abilities, consider your aims in life, and set goals in order to realize and maximize your potential. It can mean learning something brand new, improving on existing skills, removing practices that are no longer serving you or others, self-reflection, mindset changes, stepping out of your comfort zone, coaching others, improving your relationships, and so on. 

Opportunities at Emerson

  • HR Builds - Each month, you’ll receive an email from Human Resources outlining learning opportunities for the month.  These include instructor-led class offerings, self-directed learning and events that other areas of the College may be hosting.  

  • Social Justice Center Live - a virtual space for expanding our individual and collective capacities to manifest transformative social change.  Check out the SJC Live Facebook Page 

  • Elma Lewis Center - The work at the ELC is about what stories can do. We believe stories have the potential to create material change and healing justice in the world around us. We all make decisions, policies, and practices based on stories we know and hear. Stories are a core source of individual and collective power. 

  • Wellness - Wellness Workshops and programs are designed to help you improve areas such as financial and physical wellness.

  • Connect - Staff/Faculty Resource Networks are employee-driven groups based on shared experiences seeking to build community.

  • Iwasaki Library - Emerson's Iwasaki Library is located in the Walker Building, 120 Boylston Street, and its online resources are a fantastic resource with subscriptions to academic journals, newspapers, full-text PDF research papers, and various other publications. We have access to a full-text edition of the weekly Boston Business Journal as well as full-text searchable articles from The Wall Street Journal.  You will need to log in with your Emerson credentials to access. 

  • Take a college class - If you are interested in taking a class at Emerson or through the Professional-Arts Consortium review the Tuition Remission Benefit  

Own Your Development

Talk with your manager about your interests, goals, and growth opportunities.  Share your successes and where you’d like to improve.  Be open, honest, and humble.  Some people find it challenging to identify areas of improvement for themselves as if it is a character flaw.  Not at all!  Even demonstrating the vulnerability of admitting an area that you’d like to improve is a form of growth.

Remember to carve out time for learning and growing opportunities.  It can often get shoved as aside as not always the most immediate priority.  Make it a priority when you are able to.  Your current and future self will thank you for it.  Expectations and Feedback are part of learning and growing as well.

New Hire Onboarding Series

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